Black Transfer Mattress

Black Transfer Mattress

Transfer Mattress Black has been developed to make sure the Undertaker have a equipment that could contribute with ergonomic and reduction of risk and resources of forces from the Undertaker to fetch and evacuate a body. Increase safety and comfort, this together with additional values of practical and ethical taking care of the body. Transfer Mattress has been used in the ambulance service for many years with very good experience of reducing the hassle, decrease forces required in evacuation and patient handling, ergonomic and handy. The construction is very durable and strong.


  • Safety Carry capacity of 250 Kg, could be used with restraints to secure the body on top.
  • Easy to carry or slide over a body on the mattress with 12 strong handles.
  • Hygienic full welded easy to clean with most common disinfectants.
  • 6 strong handles on each side, allow more people to lift and carry.
  • Sliding surface on the reverse of fibreglass material, reducing friction and allow sliding of the mattress e.g. on the floor or from stretcher to stretcher.
  • Fit very well on most stretchers.

For enquiries about Black Transfer Mattress get in touch today

Or call +353 (0) 18391299